Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My name is Riley Lemm, I live in the beautiful town of Polson, Montana. It is a small town, only about six thousand people, but I love it. Polson is at the foot of Flathead Lake, the biggest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River. To the east there is the scenic Mission Mountains that are covered in snow most of the year. I love sports and I love to do activities outside. One of my favorite hobbies is reading, but I also like to fish and collect sports cards. I don’t watch much TV and I don’t play many video games. My favorite sport is soccer and I have been playing since I was three years old. Our lake has some great fishing spots and it is a lot of fun to boat on.
I wrote this book for an advanced studies class because I am interested in becoming a writer. I decided that getting some information on how a few of my favorite writers got started and what inspired them would help me. I was also just curious about who they were and what their daily lives were like. So I wrote to them asking them some questions and that became the basis of my book. I chose eleven of my favorite authors who are popular young adult fiction writers. I am also including book reviews of one of their books, a book list of their published works, and a bio on each author. Not all of the authors responded to me personally so I am just including the bio, book list, and book review for those authors.
I found the information helpful and interesting, and I hope you will as well.

Riley Lemm

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